Monday, September 30, 2013

On food styling and photography. Oh, and a little blogging update!

Color me excited, because I totally just splurged on a seminar about food styling and photography at Boston University next month.

It will be held by none other than Sheryl Julian, food editor at the Boston Globe.

Although I've had this blog open since 2007 and active since 2009 (with a high resurgence in 2012), I have decided to take things to another level and try to make it into the food blogosphere.

I am very motivated and think that this would be a perfect first step in the right direction. Once I know what I'm talking about, I will invest in proper equipment (such as lighting, a softbox, perhaps an umbrella...) and might even ask Santa for a new camera.

I've also been contemplating attending a conference for food bloggers. Has anyone ever been to one of those? If so, please let me know if you have any advice such as which one to attend, what to expect, etc...

Finally, I want to apologize for the sluggish output of recipes this past month. I'm currently busy with revamping the blog and organizing recipes in pages so as to allow for more practical browsing. I really hope you'll like the new pages. They should be ready in a couple of weeks!

Talk to you all very soon!

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